Saturday, 27 July 2019

How to enable Audit Trail functionality in Oracle apps R12.2.8

How to enable Audit Trail functionality in Oracle apps

Step 1: Select the module, the intended table belongs to, to be enabled for this functionality.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Install
Query the module to be enabled:

Step 2: Create the Audit Group where we can have single or multiple tables belonging to the Application(module).
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Group

Step 3: Select the columns of the selected tables under Audit Group.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Tables

Step 4: Create Audit Industry Template for the group that we have created. A single template can have multiple groups.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Audit Trail Reporting > Audit Industry Template

Step 5: Validate the setup.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Audit Trail Reporting > Audit Hierarchy Navigator
On this form, we can see the linking between
·         Audit Industry Template
·         Audit Group
·         Tables
·         Columns (of the tables) enabled for Audit trail

Step 6: Run the concurrent programs to enable audit trail functionality for the above setups:
Please follow the sequence
1)      AuditTrail Update Tables (No parameters)
2)      AuditTrail Report for Audit Group Validation (Parameter as Group Name)

Step 7: Perform transaction in which, data in our required table will be populated/modified.
Step 8: Run the report to print the audit trail.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Audit Trail > Audit Trail Reporting > Audit Report

Select the columns to be printed in report in the desired sequence: Press “Select column” Button and the select the columns to be printed. 

Press Run Report Button.